Our Quality

In the face of increasingly stringent regulatory, normative and customer requirements, our constant concern is and remains:

The following activities fall within the scope of our quality policy:

Manipulation sous hotte - Laboratoire -Contrôle qualité
Étuve - Laboratoire Qualité - Contrôle

Regulatory Quality

BIO-STERIL assists its customers in the regulatory and quality aspects of compiling their technical documentation in order to obtain CE marking.

Main standards applied:
– EN ISO 13485 latest version: Medical devices
– Quality management systems: Requirements for regulatory purposes

– EN ISO 17665-1 current version: Sterilisation of healthcare products - Moist heat - Part 1: Requirements for the development, validation and routine control of a sterilisation process for medical devices

– EN ISO 22716 latest version: Cosmetics, Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)

Our certifications

GMED certificate (download document)

BIO-STERIL is certified ISO 13485:2016 by LNE/GMED for the following activities:

Certification de Bio-Steril ISO 13485 - Certificat ISO 13485
Certificat de conformité aux Bonnes Pratiques de Fabrication de produits cosmétiques - ANSM

ANSM certification

BIO-STERIL is certified by the ANSM (French National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products) as conforming to the Good Manufacturing Practices for cosmetic products.

ANVISA Certification

BIO-STERIL is certified by ANVISA (French National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products) in conformity with the Good Manufacturing Practices for Health Products.

Certificat de Bonnes Pratiques de Fabrication et de Contrôle des produits de Santé - ANVISA
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